
Tips for visiting

Discover a few tips for a fun and safe trip before visiting the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Purchase your Tower of Pisa tickets in advance

The most important thing is buying tickets to the Tower of Pisa in advance. 

It is very important if you are only in town for the day or have a short stay. 

You will receive a time window when you buy your ticket, and you will be permitted to enter the Pisa tower only at this time.

Take your time exploring the top

The Leaning Tower of Pisa offers an incredible 360-degree perspective from its topmost point.

You can view the Pisa Cathedral, the square below, and a sizable mountain range from this vantage point.

Stay safe

Be sure to watch your stuff as you visit the leaning tower. 

The Piazza dei Miracoli and tourist-oriented businesses tend to have higher crime rates for pickpockets and thieves.

Book a guided tour of the Tower of Pisa

Having a knowledgeable tour is a fantastic way to discover Pisa.

You can book guided tours from Florence, Rome and other locations around Italy. 

Consider joining this tour to learn more about the history of this amazing landmark as you explore it.

Check your bags.

Check your bags.
Image: Nicoletaionescu

The Leaning Tower of Pisa does not allow any bags inside, not even a small pocketbook or camera bag. 

You will therefore need to leave your bags in the neighboring lockers. But don’t worry!

You can keep your belongings in the lockers near the Tower of Pisa.

Visit the beautiful Cathedral.

Image: Wikipedia.org

Your standard ticket to the Leaning Tower of Pisa also grants you access to the stunning Cathedral. 

There is a dress code for the Cathedral, just as in many other churches in Italy. 

Shoulders and knees are required to be covered here. 

Take a train to Pisa

The easiest way to reach Pisa is by train. 

If you’re carrying luggage, you can leave it in the station’s luggage lockers and pick it up when you depart.

Featured Image: Happy.rentals

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